Metaverse Influence on Society

Metaverse Influence on Society

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the Metaverse, a virtual world that allows users to create and inhabit avatars. For many people, the metaverse is simply a place to socialize, shop, and play games. However, for others, it is much more than that. The metaverse is seen as a way to express one’s identity and explore new aspects of their personality. In fact, some Gen Z-ers are even using their metaverse avatars as inspiration for their real-life clothing choices. While this could have long-term implications for the fashion industry, it also could have long-term effects on society as a whole. If more and more people start using the metaverse as a way to experiment with their personal style, and gender identity expression and build confidence through greater accessibility to social environments, we could see a shift in society. Only time will tell how the metaverse will impact society as a whole, but one thing is certain: it is already having an impact on the way we think about self-expression.

A digital identity is an online or virtual identity that someone uses to represent themselves in the digital world. A transgender person, for example, may use a digital identity that reflects their true gender identity, rather than the sex they were assigned at birth. For many people, a digital identity provides a way to express themselves in a way that they may not be able to in the physical world. It can also be used to influence and connect with others who share similar interests or experiences. In the Metaverse, a digital identity can be used to create an avatar that represents you in the virtual world. This avatar can be customized to reflect your appearance, personality, and interests. You can use your avatar to interact with others in the metaverse and explore virtual spaces that reflect your interests or provide new experiences.

The virtual world has made it possible for people to connect with each other from all over the world. People of all races and cultures can connect with each other and share their experiences. The Metaverse has also made it possible for people with disabilities to connect and share experiences in 3D space. In addition, social media has allowed people to build confidence by connecting with others who have similar interests. The ability to connect with others from all over the world has led to a greater understanding of different cultures and races. It has also made it possible for people with disabilities to find others who understand their challenges and can offer support and advice. The virtual world has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for connection and understanding.

While it’s hard to say exactly how the metaverse will change society, there are some potential implications that we should consider. A digital identity could be used to represent ourselves in the metaverse, opening up new possibilities for online interactions. Virtual worlds could have a profound effect on our real-world relationships, for better or worse. And finally, mental health and well-being may be affected by living in a metaverse-influenced society. It’s important to keep an open mind about these changes and see them as opportunities for empowerment.

Alt Ethos is a GLBTQ-owned company.
Alt Ethos specializes in the development and design of bespoke metaverses as assets with high ROI potential. We have the experience and expertise to help you make the most of the metaverse, whether you’re looking to create a memorable experience for your brand’s audience or generate revenue through metaverse consulting. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you utilize the metaverse to its full potential.
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How the Metaverse will shape the Future of Sports Fan Engagement

How the Metaverse will shape the Future of Sports Fan Engagement

The metaverse is a concept that has been floating around for a while now, and with good reason. It holds a lot of potential for many industries, especially when it comes to fan engagement such as in the sports industry. In case you’re not familiar with the term, the metaverse refers to a “shared, virtual space” where people can interact with each other and with digital content. This could be anything from a more primitive gamified expensive like Roblox to a fully-fledged immersive virtual world with photo-realistic experiences like our favorite platform at Alt Ethos.

The potential implications of the metaverse for sports are huge. For one thing, it could completely change the way we interact with our favorite teams and athletes. Imagine being able to attend a virtual version of the Super Bowl or the World Cup, or even just your local team’s game. You would be able to chat with other fans in real time, cheer on your team, and maybe even buy some virtual souvenirs or memorabilia.

Another potential benefit of the metaverse is that it would allow fans to engage with their favorite athletes in a more personal way. Imagine being able to ask LeBron James for advice on your basketball game, or getting tips from Cristiano Ronaldo on how to improve your soccer skills. The possibilities are endless.

The metaverse has the potential to change the way sports are marketed and sponsored. Brands would be able to create virtual versions of their products that fans could use or try out in the metaverse or click and buy immediately. For example, Puma could create a virtual shoe store where fans can try on shoes and see how they look before they buy them. Or Adidas could create a virtual stadium where fans can experience what it’s like to be in the stands at an actual game.

The potential implications of the metaverse for sports are huge and far-reaching. It could completely change the way we interact with our favorite teams and athletes, and open up new possibilities for marketing and sponsorship. While it’s still early days yet, it’s exciting to think about all the ways that the metaverse could shape the future of sports.


Alt Ethos specializes in the development and design of bespoke metaverses as assets with high ROI potential. We have the experience and expertise to help you make the most of the metaverse, whether you’re looking to create a memorable experience for your brand’s audience or generate revenue through metaverse consulting. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you utilize the metaverse to its full potential.
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Top 5 Metaverse Trends In 2023

With the #metaverse industry predicted to add $5 trillion to the value of the global economy by 2030, there’s everything to play for, and 2023 is likely to be a key year for defining the direction it will take. No one knows for sure what the winning strategy will be yet (Alt Ethos has a good idea), but one thing is for certain – you’ve got to be in it to win it. The #web3 metaverse is still in its early stages, but there are already a number of initiatives vying for attention. With so much excitement and so many possibilities, it’s clear that the metaverse is here to stay. So whatever your vision for the future of the web, make sure you have a plan for how to make your mark in this rapidly evolving space.

So, what can we expect from the metaverse in 2023? Here are our top five predictions. 5. The rise of niche metaverses. As the market for virtual reality continues to grow, so too will the number of niche metaverses catering to specific audiences and interests. 4. Increased integration with physical worlds. 3D scanning technology will become more sophisticated and widespread, allowing for greater interaction between digital and physical worlds. 2. Social media giants move into VR gaming 1. The emergence of blockchain-based metaverses.

Read full article at Forbes


Alt Ethos specializes in the development and design of bespoke metaverses as assets with high ROI potential. We have the experience and expertise to help you make the most of the metaverse, whether you’re looking to create a memorable experience for your brand’s audience or generate revenue through metaverse consulting. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you utilize the metaverse to its full potential.
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#XR #MR #VR #AR #web3 #decentralization #technology #accenture #meta #microsoft #google #bmw #nike #gucci #hsbc #jpmorgan #digitaltwin #nvidia #dao #nft #facebook #fortnite #decentraland #vrchat #roblox #clarks #adidas #forever21 #nasa #spacex #marketing #collaboration #learning

The Future Of Events: Immersive Experiences

The Future Of Events: Immersive Experiences

As we move into the future, the way we experience events is changing. Augmented, virtual, and mixed reality is becoming more and more common, and collectively, they’re called immersive experiences. This trend is only going to grow in the coming years, with the market size for this sector expected to hit $30 billion by 2030.

So what does this mean for event planners? Immersive experiences are a great way to engage your audience and keep them coming back for more. Not to mention, they can also be a great way to monetize your event.

But creating an immersive experience is not as easy as it sounds. It takes careful planning and execution to pull off something that will truly wow your attendees. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Define your goals. What do you want to achieve with your immersive experience? Whether it’s increasing brand awareness or generating leads, make sure you have a clear goal in mind before you start planning.

2. Understand your audience. Who are you trying to reach with your experience? What are their needs and wants? Knowing this will help you create an experience that resonates with them.

3. Create a story. A great immersive experience is like a great story – it has a beginning, middle, and end. Start by planning out the overall arc of your experience, and then fill in the details.

4. Make it interactive. Immersive experiences are all about interaction. Whether it’s through physical interactivity or digital interactivity, make sure your audience has a way to engage with your experience.

5. Use technology wisely. Technology can enhance an immersive experience, but it should never be the sole focus. Use it creatively and only when it adds to the overall experience.

6. Test and refine. Once you’ve created your experience, test it out to see how it works in real life. Then, refine it based on feedback.

7. Promote your experience. Once you’ve created an immersive experience that wows your audience, promote it! Get the word out there so people can come and enjoy it for themselves.

8. Have fun! Creating an immersive experience should be enjoyable for you, too. So make sure to have fun while you’re doing it!


Thanks for considering Alt Ethos as your partner for creative endeavors! We’re confident that our innovation, attention to detail, and dedication to our clients will make us the right choice for you.

Our diverse client and project base regularly challenge us to create new methods of increasing audience engagement. This is what we do best, and we’re always looking for new ways to engage and excite our audiences.

If you’re looking for a partner who can provide you with superior service and quality craftsmanship, Alt Ethos is the right choice for you. We’re looking forward to working with you and creating unique, interactive experiences that will wow your audiences. Contact us

Just what is the metaverse?

Just what is the metaverse?

There’s a lot of debate about what “the metaverse” actually is. Some people say it’s a game, while others claim that specific platforms like Meta (Formerly Facebook) are the total metaverse. But one thing is for sure, whoever utilizes the metaverse will influence people now and into the future. And companies are looking for the right strategic partners to develop their vision.

The metaverse is often described as a persistent, virtual world that people can access via various technologies like virtual reality or augmented reality. However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be accessed exclusively through VR or AR. One of Alt Ethos’ favorite metaverse platforms is accessed through the web browser. The metaverse is open-ended and multifaced in design from simple shapes to photo-realistic worlds.

So what’s the big deal with the metaverse?

Well, for starters, whoever utilizes the metaverse will have a memorable impact. The metaverse is the Experiential version of the Internet. It’s more engaging, exploratory, and social than flat media. It’s in the early stage which means finding the right strategic partner could not only create a media buzz but also you could help develop new systems of engagement in your market.

But it’s not just about money. The metaverse also has the potential to be a powerful tool for social and political change. For example, metaverses could be used to create integrated digital safe spaces for underrepresented communities or to create easier access to education.

Of course, the metaverse is still in its early stages but it is possible to say what it will become when you are helping create it. And one thing is certain: whoever utilizes the metaverse will have a lot of influence over the digital world.


Alt Ethos specializes in the development and design of bespoke metaverses as assets with high ROI potential. We have the experience and expertise to help you make the most of the metaverse, whether you’re looking to create a memorable experience for your brand’s audience or generate revenue through metaverse consulting. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you utilize the metaverse to its full potential.

The New Age of Retail and City Planning

The New Age of Retail and City Planning

The American mall used to be a robust gathering place, hosting mall walkers in the morning, high school kids in the afternoon, and families simply looking for something to do in the evenings. With the rise of home entertainment and online shopping, especially in a post-COVID world, these former hubs of activity have seen a steep decline in attendance, causing many storefronts to sit largely empty.

Now, a new trend in “retailtainment” is picking up the slack as retail malls are being sold to gaming companies. Using technology, visual storytelling, and interactive experiences, this new way to use public space has started to reinvigorate the mall as a social place to hang out, bringing consumers back to in-person shopping. 

These strategies don’t only work for malls. City shopping areas and public gathering spaces can be activated similarly, driving the public out of their homes to areas where local dining and shopping is essential to city economic health and tourism. This art of creating immersive and interactive experiences has been dubbed Destination Design.

Alt Ethos Projection MappingAlt Ethos is a leader in Destination Design and has participated in several projects in collaboration with downtown development authorities, arts and culture groups, and city tourism agencies to provide designs that help drive foot traffic to strategic locations. These projects encourage interaction, collaboration, and play; creating unexpected joy and bringing together communities.

One strong example is Alt Ethos’ Illuminous Fort Collins. Installed in 2018 as part of a Fort Collins revitalization project, this interactive, projection mapped mural can still be found lighting up the alleyways of Old Town. Thanks to this project, these once barren streets are now lined with bar patios, vibrant performances, and a high-end hotel where you can request a room with a view of the moving mural.

Alt Ethos is proud to help cities redefine their tourism and community strategies to launch experiences like the Illuminous project. These Retailtainment designs provide successful, measured, and defined experiences that engage with communities and drive tourism. 

For more examples of Alt Ethos city engagements, check out our Colorado Immersive Tour

The Future of Art is Immersive

The Future of Art is Immersive

While the connection fostered by these interactive experiences fuels our artistic souls, these creations have real-world fiscal benefits to companies. They offer scalable options, deeper engagement and retention, and unique opportunities for viral marketing in ways that are more effective than traditional mediums.

“Art galleries and museums have realised that built-in opportunities for “user-generated content” (UGC) can be profitable; as the artist Dena Yago wrote in a 2018 essay, “a company’s marketing plan may include a UGC campaign that broadcasts a call to action, or CTA … this response is often the creation of more content – the posting of selfies, photos and videos.”

Check out this great article by The Guardian which explores some of the world’s top immersive spaces and how they’re using technology to transform the way audiences experience art.

Inspiring immersive artists to check out:
James Turrell
Random International

Alt Ethos is excited to be amongst these talented leaders in creating interactive and immersive projects. When you’re considering where your budget goes for the next event or long-term project, look to us to create mind-blowing immersive experiences that will bring you an ROI you can proudly report back to your stakeholders.  We love to use technology to explore how we can engage wonder and create unexpected joy and connection. View more of our work on immersive projects and events around the country and world.

10 Things You Can Do To Help Transgender People Feel Safe In The Metaverse

10 Things You Can Do To Help Transgender People Feel Safe In The Metaverse

During the Gather Verse Summit 2022, our CEO and founder, Ethan Bach, shared his story as a transgender business owner who is developing a Metaverse. In his talk, Ethan explains why transgender representation is so important and how it’s been squashed time and time in history.

The Gather Verse Summit is a global gathering discussing humanity-first standards of education, safety, privacy, wellness, equality, community development and accessibility in the next steps of the metaverse. This year, the Summit is expecting over 5,000 attendees to join more than 70 sessions about the metaverse.

“What if in the virtual world you had a safe space to express yourself and that actually saved your life?”

Ethan Bach, CEO and Founder, Alt Ethos

As we move forward with our own Pathos Metaverse, Alt Ethos is committed to allowing and fostering sustainability, inclusivity and diversity. ​​We strive to make human connections and interactions positive for the next evolution of humanity and endorse socially responsible initiatives such as the Gather Verse Summit.

10 Things You Can Do To Help Transgender People Feel Safe In The Metaverse

1. Respect trans people as equal citizens with equal rights. Craft a transgender-inclusive nondiscrimination policy.

2. Train all of your staff to know how to appropriately handle harassment of a transgender person. Hire a diversity trainer.

3. Personal Boundary, a safe area around your avatar

– February Meta announced  Personal Boundary

– 4 foot buffer where no one could come into your personal space

– So many harassments

– Everyone should adopt a similar feature

4. Categorizing your items of clothing by them “masculine” feminine” “gender neutral”.

5. Empower Transgender people to have ownership in the metaverse

– If you are teaching workshop for building consider having trans only or queer only workshops

6. Add Safe Space posters and banners in public spaces reminding people that you have a zero tolerance

7. Create Transgender Avatars – allow for mix match of gendered clothing, objects, etc

8. Allow people to display their preferred pronoun – she/her, they, he,

9. Create Queer and Transgender places to hang out

10. Create a transgender education center where anyone can be informed – maybe partner wish a non profit agency and offer your services.


Watch Ethan Bach’s talk on Gather Verse 2022:

Metaverse panel at LG NOVA’s Mission for the Future

Metaverse panel at LG NOVA’s Mission for the Future

Alt Ethos is delighted to have recently applied to LG NOVA’s Mission for the Future program. Selected companies will have the opportunity to enter a 6 to 9-month program to build their business with LG. In the program, companies have the opportunity to go through a co-collaboration process with LG for evaluation, testing, piloting, which will lead to 10 companies selected as the finalists.

Alt Ethos is also honored to have attended and participated in their informational summit Q&A, on the Metaverse Panel Discussion alongside remarkable speakers. The event tackled how the convergence of gaming, VR, AR, XR, entertainment, and work from home is creating a catalyzing moment for the creation of the next web – the metaverse. 

The question was asked about the Metaverse: “Is it here yet or yet to come?” –  While most panelists agreed that the Metaverse is evolving at the moment, Gene Keselman broke from the pack and stated “The Metaverse is not yet here in any form”, our very own XR Producer – Julian Reyes agrees with this premise.

Dan Mapes spoke about his efforts with The Spatial Web Foundation, a hyper-integrated, contextually-aware, and ethically-aligned network of humans, machines, and AI. The mission of the Spatial Web Foundation is to develop and maintain the technical and ethical standards of the Spatial Web.

“(The metaverse) It’s here but it is still very, very early days, and it’s just going to grow into this incredible area that is yet still to be defined.” – Siddarth Shah, Magic Leap

More videos and information will be posted on the LG Meta page.

More info about the panelists:

Samantha Wolfe – Founder: PitchFWD

Samantha G. Wolfe is the Founder of PitchFWD, a strategic consultancy focused on the acceleration of consumer and enterprise adoption of emerging technologies. She works on strategic brand positioning as well as product and developer marketing for innovative products and services. Sam also is an Adjunct Professor at NYU’s Steinhardt School teaching ‘The Business of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality’ and ‘The Marketing of Innovation’, both courses she created and developed. To learn more about Sam, go to www.samanthagwolfe.com. To find out more about her consultancy, go to www.wearepitchfwd.com

Dan Mapes – Founder: VERSES

Dan Mapes is a Founder of www.Verses.io – Spatial Intelligence Systems integrating Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchains that together build The Spatial Web. Dan has spent over 20 years at the intersection of internet technology and entertainment as an entrepreneur, inventor and investor. Dan’s technology interests range from Gaming to Virtual Reality and from Blockchain to Artificial Intelligence. He is a consultant to both startups and large corporations and has made investments in multiple companies where he is often an active advisor or board member. He is the Founder and CEO of Cyberlab – a Global Deep Tech Lab with offices in California, China and Holland. Cyberlab currently has a focus on IoT, Blockchain, Virtual Reality and AI.

He has a deep interest in Meditation, Yoga and Peak Performance and is an avid sailor, diver and mountain biker. He also is working on Sustainability and the Environment and owns a 250 acre Permaculture Ranch that is powered entirely by solar.

“There is this new economy that is emerging that is going to be 10 times as large as the industrial age economy.” – Dan Mapes, Verses

Siddharth Shah – Managing Director & Commercial Officer: Magic Leap

Currently, Sid is the Managing Director & Commercial Officer at Magic Leap where he is focusing on building the enterprise AR business.   Previously, he was a Managing Director at BCG Digital Ventures which launched over 120 businesses.  He also was co-founder of HRX (India’s first fitness brand) which was exited to Walmart in 2015. He is a seasoned executive with 20 years of experience in successfully launching and operationalizing companies from the ground up, advising corporate and celebrity clients, structuring investments, and building partnerships. Successfully launched businesses in the US, India, China, SE Asia, and the Middle East. Demonstrated ability to originate deal flow in new geographies.

Speaking and writing experience includes: Recurring speaker at Rise, Milken, Harvard Business School, Kellogg School of Management, Wharton, London Business School, UCLA, Licensing Expo, Malaysia Social Media Week; and frequent writer at Brandchannel, Adage, Retailer, and other trade publications.

Gene Keselman – Executive Director: MIT

Gene R. Keselman is the Executive Director of the MIT Innovation Initiative. In this role he works to develop overall strategy and to pilot new programs to meet the Initiative’s goal of enhancing innovation and entrepreneurship across the MIT campus and around the world through evidence-based educational programs, infrastructure, and communities.

Gene graduated from the University of Michigan with Bachelor’s of Arts degrees in Economics and Political Science and also earned a Master’s of Science degree in Information Systems from the George Washington University. More recently he earned a Master’s of Business Administration from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). While at MIT, Gene was also an Associate Investigator in MIT Sloan Operations Management performing research for the Study on Wearable Biosensors and Performance in Multiplayer Games.

Jason Kaehler – CEO

Jason Kaehler has a 29-year career that spans across the entertainment, digital technology and computer graphics industries. He has worked extensively in both R&D and commercial product development for games, VR, data visualization, HCI (Human Computer Interaction) and simulations.  Jason began his career in R&D for Disney Imagineering being involved in that ‘first wave’ of VR, developing the DisneyQuest Aladdin VR ride, the first of its kind.  Since then, he has had a passion for the medium. 

Jason is a serial entrepreneur who assembles and leads word-class teams to develop cutting-edge software.  His first game studio sold to Activision in 2002.  Since then he has led his own companies and worked for corporations (and the U.S.Gov) in the Internet 3.0 – the metaverse – particularly the gaming/interactive media sector developing 3D data visualizations, mobile & PC games, VR training, gambling games, HCI, IoT/security visualization and UIdesign.    

Jason enjoys contributing to unique projects and consults to corporations and the U.S. government, sharing his deep knowledge of the metaverse sector. On the HCI research side, Jason works exclusively with Stanford Research Institute (www.sri.com) , DARPA and the USAFin both a sub-contractor and Prime Investigator roles.  His most recent obsessions are NFTs, crypto, AR and ‘P2E’ (Play to Earn) games. Learn more: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonkaehler/, and http://kaehlerplanet.com/ 

Alt Ethos joined key stakeholders as they discussed the trajectory of the metaverse, its arrival and the vast potential opportunity for businesses and startups to set the stage for how we will engage and interact in the coming full digital world.

We are tracking the evolution of the Metaverse closely as we launch Pathos.

Pathos Metaverse: a browser-based virtual world by Alt Ethos. For this panel, all of the speakers and audience members will be avatars in the Pathos Metaverse allowing for individual representation and easy networking with spatial audio. The Pathos Metaverse provides exciting meeting places, dynamic events, and future-thinking hybrid-virtual-world solutions, pushing the boundaries of interactivity. https://altethos.com/pathos-metaverse/