Transformational Growth with XR Consulting: Empowering Your Business for Success

Transformational Growth with XR Consulting: Empowering Your Business for Success

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses must stay ahead of technological advancements to maintain a competitive edge. XR (Extended Reality) consulting, which encompasses augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR), immersive experiences, and the metaverse, provides a powerful toolset to help businesses enhance their services, engage their audience, and drive remarkable transformations. Here’s how XR consulting can transform your business:

1. Strategic Expertise and Guidance

Navigating the complexities of XR technology requires specialized knowledge. XR consultants bring valuable expertise, helping businesses develop tailored strategies that align with their goals. They provide insights into the latest technological trends and best practices, ensuring your XR initiatives are strategically sound and future-proof. This strategic guidance can significantly enhance your decision-making process and maximize the impact of your XR investments.

2. Efficient Implementation and Cost Savings

Implementing XR solutions can be resource-intensive and complex. XR consultants streamline the process, minimizing the risk of errors and ensuring projects are delivered on time and within budget. By selecting the right tools and technologies, they optimize resource allocation and manage the implementation process efficiently. This results in significant cost savings and ensures that your XR projects are executed smoothly and effectively.

3. Enhanced Customer Engagement

XR technologies, including AR, VR, MR, and metaverse experiences, offer immersive and interactive engagements that captivate and deeply engage clients. Transformational companies can use VR environments for immersive workshops, AR applications for interactive learning, MR for blended physical and digital experiences, and metaverse platforms for expansive virtual interactions. Alt Ethos specializes in human-centered design, creating impactful engagements that resonate with clients and enhance their journey toward growth and transformation.

4. Advanced Training and Collaboration

XR can revolutionize training and collaboration within organizations. VR training modules simulate real-world scenarios, providing employees with hands-on experience in a safe environment. AR applications facilitate remote collaboration by overlaying digital information onto physical spaces. XR consultants develop and implement these solutions, boosting workforce skills, productivity, and collaboration. This can lead to more effective training programs and improved team collaboration.

5. Data-Driven Insights

XR technologies generate valuable data that can inform decision-making. XR consultants help businesses harness this data, using advanced analytics to gain insights into customer behavior, product performance, and operational efficiency. This data-driven approach enables continuous improvement and refinement of XR strategies, ensuring that your XR initiatives are always aligned with your business goals and market demands.

6. Scalability and Flexibility

As your business grows, your XR solutions need to scale. XR consultants design scalable solutions that can adapt to changing needs, ensuring your XR infrastructure remains flexible and capable of integrating new technologies seamlessly. This scalability and flexibility allow your business to respond quickly to market changes and new opportunities, maintaining a competitive edge.

Why Transformational Companies Should Partner with Alt Ethos

Investing in XR consulting with Alt Ethos is about more than just adopting new technologies; it’s about empowering your business to deliver unparalleled value and impact. With expert guidance, transformational companies can leverage XR to drive innovation, enhance efficiency, and create profound, immersive experiences for their clients. By partnering with Alt Ethos, businesses unlock new opportunities for growth and gain a significant advantage in the ever-evolving landscape of personal and professional development.

At Alt Ethos, our long-standing commitment to personal transformation and human-centered design ensures that we understand what consumers are looking for. Our founder, Ethan Bach, has over three decades of experience in digital storytelling and self-transformation, along with two decades of expertise in extended reality. Together with our team of experts, we bring unique insights and expertise to every project. We specialize in creating experiences that not only engage and delight but also drive meaningful growth and transformation.

Embrace the future of transformational growth with XR consulting from Alt Ethos. Discover the limitless possibilities that await your business and take the first step towards revolutionizing your offerings and achieving extraordinary success.


Metaverse panel at LG NOVA’s Mission for the Future

Metaverse panel at LG NOVA’s Mission for the Future

Alt Ethos is delighted to have recently applied to LG NOVA’s Mission for the Future program. Selected companies will have the opportunity to enter a 6 to 9-month program to build their business with LG. In the program, companies have the opportunity to go through a co-collaboration process with LG for evaluation, testing, piloting, which will lead to 10 companies selected as the finalists.

Alt Ethos is also honored to have attended and participated in their informational summit Q&A, on the Metaverse Panel Discussion alongside remarkable speakers. The event tackled how the convergence of gaming, VR, AR, XR, entertainment, and work from home is creating a catalyzing moment for the creation of the next web – the metaverse. 

The question was asked about the Metaverse: “Is it here yet or yet to come?” –  While most panelists agreed that the Metaverse is evolving at the moment, Gene Keselman broke from the pack and stated “The Metaverse is not yet here in any form”, our very own XR Producer – Julian Reyes agrees with this premise.

Dan Mapes spoke about his efforts with The Spatial Web Foundation, a hyper-integrated, contextually-aware, and ethically-aligned network of humans, machines, and AI. The mission of the Spatial Web Foundation is to develop and maintain the technical and ethical standards of the Spatial Web.

“(The metaverse) It’s here but it is still very, very early days, and it’s just going to grow into this incredible area that is yet still to be defined.” – Siddarth Shah, Magic Leap

More videos and information will be posted on the LG Meta page.

More info about the panelists:

Samantha Wolfe – Founder: PitchFWD

Samantha G. Wolfe is the Founder of PitchFWD, a strategic consultancy focused on the acceleration of consumer and enterprise adoption of emerging technologies. She works on strategic brand positioning as well as product and developer marketing for innovative products and services. Sam also is an Adjunct Professor at NYU’s Steinhardt School teaching ‘The Business of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality’ and ‘The Marketing of Innovation’, both courses she created and developed. To learn more about Sam, go to www.samanthagwolfe.com. To find out more about her consultancy, go to www.wearepitchfwd.com

Dan Mapes – Founder: VERSES

Dan Mapes is a Founder of www.Verses.io – Spatial Intelligence Systems integrating Mixed Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchains that together build The Spatial Web. Dan has spent over 20 years at the intersection of internet technology and entertainment as an entrepreneur, inventor and investor. Dan’s technology interests range from Gaming to Virtual Reality and from Blockchain to Artificial Intelligence. He is a consultant to both startups and large corporations and has made investments in multiple companies where he is often an active advisor or board member. He is the Founder and CEO of Cyberlab – a Global Deep Tech Lab with offices in California, China and Holland. Cyberlab currently has a focus on IoT, Blockchain, Virtual Reality and AI.

He has a deep interest in Meditation, Yoga and Peak Performance and is an avid sailor, diver and mountain biker. He also is working on Sustainability and the Environment and owns a 250 acre Permaculture Ranch that is powered entirely by solar.

“There is this new economy that is emerging that is going to be 10 times as large as the industrial age economy.” – Dan Mapes, Verses

Siddharth Shah – Managing Director & Commercial Officer: Magic Leap

Currently, Sid is the Managing Director & Commercial Officer at Magic Leap where he is focusing on building the enterprise AR business.   Previously, he was a Managing Director at BCG Digital Ventures which launched over 120 businesses.  He also was co-founder of HRX (India’s first fitness brand) which was exited to Walmart in 2015. He is a seasoned executive with 20 years of experience in successfully launching and operationalizing companies from the ground up, advising corporate and celebrity clients, structuring investments, and building partnerships. Successfully launched businesses in the US, India, China, SE Asia, and the Middle East. Demonstrated ability to originate deal flow in new geographies.

Speaking and writing experience includes: Recurring speaker at Rise, Milken, Harvard Business School, Kellogg School of Management, Wharton, London Business School, UCLA, Licensing Expo, Malaysia Social Media Week; and frequent writer at Brandchannel, Adage, Retailer, and other trade publications.

Gene Keselman – Executive Director: MIT

Gene R. Keselman is the Executive Director of the MIT Innovation Initiative. In this role he works to develop overall strategy and to pilot new programs to meet the Initiative’s goal of enhancing innovation and entrepreneurship across the MIT campus and around the world through evidence-based educational programs, infrastructure, and communities.

Gene graduated from the University of Michigan with Bachelor’s of Arts degrees in Economics and Political Science and also earned a Master’s of Science degree in Information Systems from the George Washington University. More recently he earned a Master’s of Business Administration from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). While at MIT, Gene was also an Associate Investigator in MIT Sloan Operations Management performing research for the Study on Wearable Biosensors and Performance in Multiplayer Games.

Jason Kaehler – CEO

Jason Kaehler has a 29-year career that spans across the entertainment, digital technology and computer graphics industries. He has worked extensively in both R&D and commercial product development for games, VR, data visualization, HCI (Human Computer Interaction) and simulations.  Jason began his career in R&D for Disney Imagineering being involved in that ‘first wave’ of VR, developing the DisneyQuest Aladdin VR ride, the first of its kind.  Since then, he has had a passion for the medium. 

Jason is a serial entrepreneur who assembles and leads word-class teams to develop cutting-edge software.  His first game studio sold to Activision in 2002.  Since then he has led his own companies and worked for corporations (and the U.S.Gov) in the Internet 3.0 – the metaverse – particularly the gaming/interactive media sector developing 3D data visualizations, mobile & PC games, VR training, gambling games, HCI, IoT/security visualization and UIdesign.    

Jason enjoys contributing to unique projects and consults to corporations and the U.S. government, sharing his deep knowledge of the metaverse sector. On the HCI research side, Jason works exclusively with Stanford Research Institute (www.sri.com) , DARPA and the USAFin both a sub-contractor and Prime Investigator roles.  His most recent obsessions are NFTs, crypto, AR and ‘P2E’ (Play to Earn) games. Learn more: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonkaehler/, and http://kaehlerplanet.com/ 

Alt Ethos joined key stakeholders as they discussed the trajectory of the metaverse, its arrival and the vast potential opportunity for businesses and startups to set the stage for how we will engage and interact in the coming full digital world.

We are tracking the evolution of the Metaverse closely as we launch Pathos.

Pathos Metaverse: a browser-based virtual world by Alt Ethos. For this panel, all of the speakers and audience members will be avatars in the Pathos Metaverse allowing for individual representation and easy networking with spatial audio. The Pathos Metaverse provides exciting meeting places, dynamic events, and future-thinking hybrid-virtual-world solutions, pushing the boundaries of interactivity. https://altethos.com/pathos-metaverse/

Perspectives of the Metaverse

Perspectives of the Metaverse

You may have noticed that the term ‘metaverse’ has been buzzing recently. If you’re wondering why that is, as BBC states, “there is a huge amount of excitement about the metaverse among wealthy investors and big tech firms, and no-one wants to be left behind if it turns out to be the future of the internet.”

The metaverse’s powerful decentralizing potential has been a prediction even before Mark Zuckerberg’s recent announcement, and the advent of the pandemic, which also plays its part in it. According to Reuters: “The accelerated interest in the metaverse can be seen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As more people have started working and going to school remotely, there has been increased demand for ways to make online interaction more lifelike.”

The global changed circumstances along with increased demand suggests that the developing metaverse is on the near horizon.

We only need our mobile phones to remind us of technology’s significant strides in a short time. As Adage says: “Hardware is becoming more compact, quicker and more intelligent. Thanks to 5G, almost everywhere now has fast, dependable connectivity. In the metaverse, computer vision is becoming more intelligent, allowing for both visual and audible help. All of this contributes to the immersion of the experience, making the transfer of knowledge and experience more rewarding and human.”

As such, the metaverse goes beyond common associations like gaming…

… and is poised to impact several sectors like education and retail. As WSJ predicts: ”Real-world businesses will be able to participate in the metaverse as well by offering virtual versions of their bricks-and-mortar facilities, Unity’s Mr. Whitten says. With existing online stores, customers can read product descriptions and make purchases. In the metaverse, customers would be able to visit virtual retail outlets and try out products in 3-D and at full scale before buying.”

As any new technology brings with it its own changes, integrating the metaverse will open new avenues for the way both consumers and companies interact. As Forbes states: “Companies will need to transition their marketing strategies from online ad buys to existing in a shared, virtual economy. Companies will need to do market research on their new customers in the metaverse. How people act and what their preferences are in the metaverse could be totally different than how they behave and what they shop for in real life.” 

A useful resource on this promising technology is Jon Radoff’s Building the Metaverse blog.

The blog covers a range of sectors like Business, technology and culture of all the virtual worlds, including: realities and experiences of the Metaverse, 2D, 3D, mobile phones, VR/AR, games, MMORPGs, social networks, digital collectibles, esports; game design, Unity, Unreal, free-to-play (f2p), blockchain, and NFTs. His post ‘What We Talk About When We Talk About the Metaversealso explores the meaning of the term ‘metaverse,’ how it has evolved, and what the future may bring.

Wikipedia Metaverse Definition.

The word “Metaverse” is made up of the prefix “meta” and the stem “verse”; the term is typically used to describe the concept of a future iteration of the Internet, made up of persistent, shared, 3D virtual spaces linked into a perceived virtual universe.

The Pathos Metaverse that Alt Ethos is launching.

Perhaps the most exciting aspect of this decentralizing technology is that it won’t just be one metaverse, but multiple, reflecting the unlimited creative potential and explorative possibilities of various entities. We’re honored to have been and continue to work with this unique technology through our metaverse design solutions. Our easy-to-use, dynamic, and engaging immersive platform provides exciting meeting places, magnetic events, and future-thinking hybrid-virtual-world solutions, pushing the boundaries of interactivity. To learn more about how your audience can create their own avatars and immerse themselves in your custom Branded World, please visit visit our metaverse branded solutions page.

The Meow Wolf Effect in Denver 2021

The Meow Wolf Effect in Denver 2021

Meow Wolf’s biggest attraction yet has finally come to Denver. But that’s by no means the whole story. For years, Denver has been preparing for Meow Wolf’s arrival in ways that are impacting not just the city but the entire region – and very likely beyond.

Millennials across the globe increasingly value experiences over material possessions.

For a while now, Denver has been the number one choice of those among them wanting to move to a new city in the US, and a third of Denver residents are now millennials (CNBC).  City government took notice, and laid plans to stay ahead of the curve with a multi-year community-generated cultural plan designed to fully integrate arts, culture and creativity into daily life, work and play. These ingredients of Denver’s special sauce are part planned, part serendipitous – and that recipe is the reason Meow Wolf and Alt Ethos CEO and Founder Ethan Bach (who had worked together in Santa Fe on helping to elect a new mayor and in Denver for the Meow Wolf announcement party) recognized the potential and established their primary operations in Denver.

Years in the making, the Meow Wolf Effect is still unfolding.

Early predictions were for 1.5M visitors per annum, but the surge of advance ticket sales suggests there may well be a lot more. Whatever the number, this massive new influx of visitors will have major implications for the creative economy (“Is Meow Wolf good for artists? Overall, yes” – Denver Post), the tourist industry, and the culture at large. It will transform opportunities for growth in entertainment offerings, art sales, retail, and dining, which will have a ripple effect across the region. It’s never been just about the Meow Wolf site itself.   

As Ethan says: “The Meow Wolf Effect is an intimate and intentional look into a cultural phenomenon sparking the creative economy in a way that I have not witnessed in my lifetime.

This is our moment of opportunity. If we keep harnessing our collective energy with strategic planning in order to make the best possible outcome, we can make a huge shift in the new economy.”

Read more in Alt Ethos’ article on The Meow Wolf Effect.

Or watch our community presentation.

Global Creative Connections through Immersive Virtual Worlds

Global Creative Connections through Immersive Virtual Worlds

On behalf of The Colorado Creative Industries (CCI) and Alt Ethos, we invite you to our virtual presentation “Global Creative Connection through Immersive Virtual Worlds” hosted in our new Pathos Metaverse, a 3D avatar platform, this Friday October 1st, 2021 at 2:00 PM MST

Please Register Here for the CCI Summit 

Alt Ethos Presentation: Come explore the future of art, technology, and global connectivity through virtual worlds from top creators and thought leaders in the immersive industry. The pandemic shot us into the future of digital engagement and immersive worlds. As some creatives quickly grasped the change to become known internationally, others were left confused. This talk will walk you through the history, present, and future of virtual worlds and how they will impact the global community, our professional lives, and our collective digital future. Speakers:

  • Julian Reyes, MC
  • Eric Dallimore, Moderator
  • Carlos Austin 
  • Ethan Bach 
  • Evo (Evonne) Heyning  
  • Celeste Lear 
  • Q&A from audience submitted in writing

Carlos Austin, Real-Time “In World (VR)” Live Multi-cam video switching and still photographer at Austin Photograph

Carlos is passionate about the arts with an emphasis on photography/video “in-world” TV production and emerging drone technology. An XR evangelist as this technology begins to mature. Helping create Broadcast television standards for capturing live events in virtual social platforms. Real-time switching live shows with a multi-camera setup. There are so many opportunities to communicate and educate the world through XR. 3rd Generation photographer and storyteller.

Ethan Bach, CEO Alt Ethos

Ethan Bach is the founding CEO of Alt Ethos: experiential design agency and Founder and Board Member of DATA (Denver Arts + Technology Advancement). Westword calls Ethan, “An entrepreneur with an eye on the future’s future.” Bach holds an MFA in Electronic Arts from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Alt Ethos is an award-winning design company and has been recognized in CodaWorx Magazine; the Young Industry Professionals, and by the Mayor of Fort Collins.

Evo (Evonne) Heyning, Metaverse Media. Creative Executive Producer

Evo Heyning is an award-winning producer, technologist, founder and creator focused on the future of participatory media. Evo focuses on collaborative teams that work across fields, sectors, and platforms to create meaningful global endeavors. Evo has created virtual beings, worlds, and campaigns for 20 years. Evo produced major live streaming concerts and campaigns for the White House including the launch of the Affordable Care Act and virtual worlds for diplomacy, civic engagement, and nonprofit development.

Celeste Lear, Immersive Event Producer & Designer, XR Entertainment Specialist, Music & Sound Director, Host, VR Consultant

DJ Celeste is an entertainment & event industry professional with 15+ years of concert, festival & conference production experience. Immersive technology expert skilled in designing & executing cutting-edge events both physically, virtually, AND in Virtual Reality. First in a new wave of DJs who design their own stages & perform as avatars in VR Festivals and Nightclubs. Executive music direction, production & clearance for International, multi-media installation projects for UN & UNESCO, including a large-scale video mapping experience in Paris.

Please Register Here for the CCI Summit


About Pathos Metaverse
Pathos Metaverse is a browser-based virtual world by Alt Ethos. For this panel, all of the speakers will be avatars in the Pathos Metaverse. Through live-action virtual cinematography, CCI participants will stream the event in real-time. Selected avatar audience members will also be in attendance and watching the entire production in the Pathos Metaverse.

Pathos Metaverse is an easy-to-use, dynamic, and engaging immersive platform. Pathos Metaverse provides exciting meeting places, dynamic events, branded virtual worlds, and future-thinking hybrid-virtual-world solutions, pushing the boundaries of interactivity.

What are Hybrid Events?

What are Hybrid Events?

Now that we are starting to have small attendance-capped in-person events, Hybrid Events are a great opportunity to enhance real-world events while integrating online interactions. There have been numerous successful virtual trade shows, events, and conferences which have increased worldwide attendance over their previous physical events.

Keep the increased worldwide engagement going, while offering diverse ways for your guests to join your in-person and virtual Hybrid Events. By gathering a smaller group in person and a larger group virtually, we are able to achieve some of the face-to-face interaction while also keep attendees safe.

There are several ways to throw Hybrid Events that are engaging, productive, and fun. The Alt Ethos team began creating hybrid experiences over 13 years ago and would love to help you find the best solutions for your audience and goals.

In the BizBash article, What Will Hybrid Events Look Like?, Cara Kleinhaut, founder and CEO of AGENC Experiential & Digital Marketing, notes:

“We must deliver a simultaneous digital experience that mirrors the live experience in quality and interaction—and not leave digital participants on the sidelines with a Zoom chat or a passive viewing experience, which is still the majority of what we see out there.”

What was a memorable experience you had in a virtual streaming conference? Could you tell us about the most unique Zoom meeting you had last week? Can’t think of anything? Us either!

We are being inundated with video streaming in chats, conferences, and events. Repetitive experiences, day in and day out, are creating a lapse of memory and connections. Where once we attended in-person events – networking during a mixer, listening to a speaker, and lining up for free drinks – now we find our virtual events have a lack of engagement.

Your event and audience engagement is important to us.

Alt Ethos wants to help you succeed in creating dynamic connections that create lasting impressions. We want to partner with your organization to achieve your goals in the virtual and partially-virtual event spaces. We provide unique and engaging platforms and environments that highlight your sponsors, integrate live entertainment, and provide a variety of virtual world experiences.

Let’s talk about the best ways to engage your audience members in diverse ways that fit their lifestyles.
Schedule an introductory meeting today.